Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Beginning.

A few years ago a friend of mine from high school started posting facebook statuses about the AMAZING success she was having losing weight. I was always over weight through high school but this girl was at least my size. I figured what ever was working so wonderfully (and QUICKLY) for her might work for me so I asked what it was she was doing. I was expecting the usual, "healthy eating and exercise," but instead found out about the HCG diet.
At that point I looked into it. I read up about it a little and lost interest once I read about the 500 calorie a day diet. It seemed overwhelming and impossible for me to be on a strict diet. To be fair, it probably wouldn't have worked for me back then. At the time, we were living off my husband's income of about $1200 a month alone and half of that was going to rent. There were a few times we had to stop by the food pantry to make it through the month. I couldn't be picky about what I ate. There was no way I could have the specific foods required by this diet to make it work. So the thought left my mind. I shrugged it off and didn't really think much about it after that.
My friend Amanda, has been thin and healthy since I met her about a year ago. I was shocked to find out that wasn't always the case. She is super active and a great inspiration and I just assumed that's how she'd always been. One day she mentioned that she had been close to 200 pounds not all that long ago. I don't think I ever really believed her until I saw the pictures on her blog though. Whilst perusing her blog about a month ago I came across something about HCG and remembered all the success my friend from high school had with it. I asked Amanda about it and she bombarded me with TONS of useful info including recipes, charts, the Pounds and Inches book and so much more. This gave me a whole bunch of new found confidence to try it out.
That very day I started scouring the internet for more info. It got very frustrating trying to sort through legitimate info and scams put out by companies trying to sell the HCG itself. Luckily, I stumbled across the forums at HCG diet info. If you are interested in trying the diet, or just want to find out some info from real people who have really done the diet, you simply MUST check them out.
So I decided I was going to try it! I'm still a tiny bit skeptical that the HCG will do anything but I guess we'll see. After tons of research I decided I was going to do the homeopathic HCG drops. These contain trace amount of the HCG hormone. You can also take Rx grade HCG oral drops or you can take injections once a day. I've also read about pills but have heard plenty of negative things about them . Walmart carried drops and pills that say HCG on the packaging but actually contain none of the hormone. It can be very confusing trying to buy the right one. I decided to go with Just Potent. They had tons of great reviews and showed the ingredients right on their site so I knew it should work.
I will be starting the diet on Monday after I get back from Disneyland this weekend and will be posting updates to my weight-loss on here.


  1. Awe! I'm so glad to be of absolutely any help I can be on this journey! Just like anything else in life, if you really put your mind into it, you can't fail :) Warning: It WILL consume your life the whole time you're doing it, but I'm here for you even at 1 am if ya need me!

  2. Thanks! You're seriously a life saver!


Please only questions or words of encouragement. I am fully aware of all the negative stories and have done plenty of my own research before deciding to take this step.