Friday, February 3, 2012


Down another 2.4 lbs today for a total of 4.6 lbs in two days! I'm feeling a little better today than the past two days. I think my drops are starting to kick in. I just realized that Sunday is the Super Bowl. I already agreed to come out to my parents house for dinner... this is gonna be tough. I'm not a football fan and normally only attend Super Bowl parties for the food. I think I will ad some exercise to my routine that day so that I can up my protein portion a bit. I'm also thinking about making some kale/spinach chips. and I will probably allow some slight cheating on celery through out the game but we'll see if I even need it. Hopefully the drops do their job and keep me from being hungry! I'm allowed a TON of leafy greens so I suppose I can always munch on them.

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Please only questions or words of encouragement. I am fully aware of all the negative stories and have done plenty of my own research before deciding to take this step.